Living In Fear Cassette
Vinyl Release through Edgewood records
"Living in Fear have the sort of deserved yet understated confidence that builds legacy. Much like Mindforce, they’ve already perfected the art of the intro. Eschewing the bog standard opening salvo for an intimidating chug and wild guitar squealing, “The Level Six Dimension” captures the excitement of a headliner’s first moments on stage. They dazzle from the jump, touting endless chops without falling prey to overplaying. You can practically feel the heat emanating off of a frenzied VFW crowd as the song coalesces into a mid paced stomp. The echoed boom of vocals sound impossibly layered and intimidating. From there on, the tempo ratchets up until it finds itself a dizzying rager with a cadence cribbed from “Reign in Blood.” The final third of the opener is a triumphant and nasty guitar solo that’d likely rival all comers. “Good for Nothin” starts with guitar histrionics that briefly flirt with the “eruptions” of the late king EVH. It’s time for an admission, y’all. This is my favorite hardcore song of the year. Lest I spoil it, I’ll state it plainly. The background vocals and Hammett worthy solo that send it packing find rarified air, even amongst a generation of hardcore bands well versed in the '80s myriad classics." - Adam Yoe (No Echo)
Out of 25
Translucent Yellow
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